Sunday, March 4, 2007

Maine Windjammer Log: Part One

Deciding to take a full Maine Windjammer sailing trip is a distinct departure from other vacations. You are not only sailing, but are sailing into a time period other than your own.

Re-Creation of the 19th and early 20th centuries on Maine coastal waters is what the fleet of Maine Windjammers provides. Within this context are contained the main characteristics of the unique experience.

You travel with the elements as often as possible and as little against them as necessary.

You combine with other people to accomplish tasks more modern machines now achieve far more easily.

You become immersed in an environment that is drastically unlike what you normally experience on a daily basis.

You become familiar with a maritime setting and culture that few realize has been kept alive today, in America.

Above all, you come in contact with a mix of simplicity and complication that is nearly the reverse of what most people's every day lives now contains.

All this occurs with surprisingly little effort and has a surprisingly grand effect on your psyche.

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