Saturday, January 20, 2007

Maine Coast Windjamming Book Selection

A good book to have is Windjammer Watching on the Coast of Maine by Virginia L. Thorndike.

This small paperback contains info on every ship in the fleet. Of particular value is a chart that shows the silhouettes of all the Windjammers so you can recognize them at a distance. There is also a nice diagram of a schooner and a simple index of nautical terms.

The book is portable and meant to carry with you on a trip to Maine. Most of the windjammers have at least one copy on board. You can support the schooner's local area by ordering the volume online from The Wooden Boat Store, Brooklin Me.. It is also available at Amazon, Borders and Barnes and Noble. Most local bookstores can order it quickly.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

This is a great book to have, I agree. It's very useful while sailing out on the bay!